APPLE & TABLE art ground
폴 세잔의 ‘사과와 오렌지가 있는 정물’에서 영감을 받은 브랜드, <사과와 식탁, 아트 그라운드>는 예술 창의 교육을 바탕으로 고정관념에서 벗어나 아이들이 자유롭게 상상하고 표현함을 응원하는 브랜드입니다. 비스포커 스튜디오는 확정된 네이밍에 힘을 실어주고 <사과와 식탁, 아트 그라운드>의 교육관을 반영해줄 수 있는 브랜드 스토리를 만들고, 그에 걸맞는 비주얼 아이덴티티 시스템을 개발했습니다.
아이들마다 생각의 크기, 모양, 질감이 다르듯이 같은 사물을 보더라도 느끼는 것, 경험하는 것은 각자 다릅니다. <사과와 식탁, 아트 그라운드> 역시 아이들의 색다른 발상을 응원하기 위해 시작된 곳인 만큼, ‘사과’ 라는 오브제를 새롭게 풀어내는 방식에 주목했습니다.
Storytelling & Design
아이들이 세상을 바라보는 다양한 관점과, 같은 사물을 보고도 각자의 방식으로 해석하는 과정을 로고와 디자인 모티프로 풀어냈습니다. 생각의 실타래를 풀어내는 모습을 껍질이 벗겨지는 사과로 심볼화하여 상징적으로 표현하고, 사과를 다양한 방식으로 경험하는 모습을 일러스트로 표현하여 아이들의 이야기와 경험을 강조했습니다.

Introduce the growing children's space, 'Apples and Tables, Art Ground' branding project. "Apples, Tables, and Art Ground" is for children aged 5 to 13. It is an art space where children can experience and express their emotions freely. Prior to the project, the name 'Apples, Tables, and Art Ground' was confirmed. Organize the brand story that empowers the naming. Based on the B.I design, we have developed a visual identity system that goes with it.
Inspired by Paul Cezanne's painting, "Silence with Apples and Oranges," the brand "Apples, Tables and Art Ground" has been created.Based on the creative education of art, children are free to imagine with confidence, free from stereotypes. It's a brand that has the director's own educational philosophy to express.
Just as the size, shape, and texture of each child's thoughts are
different, Even if you look at the same thing, you feel different and experience different things. Apologies, tables, and art ground are also a place that started to chee for children's different ideas. We've focused on a new way of unraveling an object called 'apology. You can see the different perspectives of the world, the same objects, and you can see them in your own minds. The process of interpretation has been translated into logos and design motifs. The process of releasing the thread of thought is as if the apple peel is peeling off. The illustration expresses the experience of apples in various forms, We emphasized children's stories and experiences. At the same time as the
development of visual identity, we are able to align with the "Apples and Table Art Ground" training center and its orientation. The work was also done to organize the brand story.
different, Even if you look at the same thing, you feel different and experience different things. Apologies, tables, and art ground are also a place that started to chee for children's different ideas. We've focused on a new way of unraveling an object called 'apology. You can see the different perspectives of the world, the same objects, and you can see them in your own minds. The process of interpretation has been translated into logos and design motifs. The process of releasing the thread of thought is as if the apple peel is peeling off. The illustration expresses the experience of apples in various forms, We emphasized children's stories and experiences. At the same time as the
development of visual identity, we are able to align with the "Apples and Table Art Ground" training center and its orientation. The work was also done to organize the brand story.
APPLE & TABLE art ground
APPLE & TABLE art ground
Project Periods
Development Range
Brand Storytelling
Visual Identity Syste
Brand Storytelling
Visual Identity Syste